Saturday, October 3, 2009

The wonderful life of stupidity

Why do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front?

Why do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke?

Why do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters?

Why do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the trunk?

Why do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight?

Why do they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering?

Have you ever wondered ...

Why the sun lightens our hair, but it darkens our skin

Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?

Why don't you ever see the headline ' Psychic Wins Lottery '?

Why is 'abbreviated ' such a long word?

Why is it that doctors call what they do 'practice '?

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?

Why the man who invests all your money is called a broker?

Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?!

Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains?

Why are they called apartments when they are all stucked together?

If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?

Urban Life & Urban Swearings

Stupid and stupidity - I feel stupid every time I drive into KL and it is the stupidity of the authorities not to think outside the box when it comes to managing the traffic volume in the city of KL. We are going to be stupid like the Walikota of Jakarta for not able to see the solutions to the macet issue that has been plaguing the city since I worked there in 1984.

Can you imagine the crawl I had to endure yesterday from the Federal Highway-Bangsar exit to KL Sentral was 45 minuties from 5pm. Of course, it was peak time when the traffic volume was high but it was sheer stupidity that someone has to take that sort of time to reach a mere 5-7km distance. I hate those guys in DBKL and Police Traffic for not doing their job right.

But I guess, I am as stupid as the next guy, who prefer driving than taking the public transport. I have tried taking the KTM Komuter once but the KTM Komuter and other means of public transport is as stupid as the Works Minister from Samy Vellu to Drs what-his-name to Shaziman. To take the commuter train, there was this ritual massive human traffic rushing and pushing and jostling to get into the train. I think these Ministers and their KSUs, KPs are just goons and bodoh, arm-chaired and have done nothing right. Bodoh, bodoh dan lagi bodoh...geramnya!!

I also blame Proton for manufacturing sub-standard cars that breaks down more often than not. To divert this anger ramblings a little bit, my Persona is as defective as the Made-In-China toys. Can you imagine after so many years, the power window is still having the same problem (winding and unwinding issue), which tells us that Proton has not changed its vendor and has not changed its ways of working.

I also blame Toyota, Perodua, Volvo, Hyundai, Naza and other automotive manufacturers and license holders for manufacturing and selling more vehicles than the Malaysian roads can accept. There must be a law stopping these guys from selling too many cars than they should, as they not only contribute to more vehicles on the roads, they contribute more accidents, higher usage of fuel and more damage to the environment. Just stick out your neck in the middle of a traffic jam, all you can smell is fume. And, I am fuming mad for the fact that we are threading a dangerous world right now.

Maybe I can start bicycling to work. Not a good idea now, but may be if I could find a home in Putrajaya, bicycling to work would be an awesome idea. I remember watching this National Geography on the terrestrial TV about a town in Germany that embraces environmental-friendly approach in the daily lives. The homes are all solar-powered, home garbage collected to produce electricity, no cars on the street except in the outskirts, plant-your-own-food schemes, and the town folks turn everything that they can lay their hands on into environmental-friendly business and the business is indeed thriving.

How I wish I could go back and live in remote areas like Bario in Sabah or Grik in Perak where there isn't any traffic jam and the traffic is scarce (if there is any, the vehicles are slow-paced except to those lori pasir & lori balak), where life is so rustic and people are still simple, where you don't have to spend too much money on buying your essentials and needfuls, where you don't need to use the technology so much that you'd depend your very soul on it, where your children don't have to ask to use your car and drive the whole night through leaving the oil tank almost empty, where you wake up in early morning to smell the oxygenated dew and plants; and where you can praise Allah SWT for the creation of this universe when you hear the crickets at night, the frogs singing their hearts out after a raining spell and when you hear the sweet sound of the forests in the light of the day.

C'est la vie. I love my life but not now, not here in the city where there are just too many big bad wolves that will eat your Red Riding Hood of innocence in one fast and furious gulp.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 1430H/2009

I love family gatherings particularly when it is Hari Raya. It was a wonderful Hari Raya this year. Everyone in the family manifested and accepted this fact.

Yes, it was indeed a blast to have everyone, at sight and at smell, gathering at Kak Intan's house at Section 8, Shah Alam, except for Fadhli-Ayu-Amir Haziq and Amira. There wasn't time wasted, as we were too busy chatting with each other, or gleefully teasing each other, or just munching all the food spread that the Ulamaks might stretch vexing it deemed as sinful. Of course, the food was abound and it was a galore as we needed to feed more than 80 people.

There was quite a bit of pandemonium with 80 people, mostly cousins, scrounging around in the small space of 1,400sq feet of Kak Intan's home. These included the little people who are my grandchildren - E-am, Ikram and Kasih Salsabila. The other bigger children were of course anticipative of the green packets that contain duit raya and their faces beamed in happiness everytime they were handed each a packet of the duit raya.

I love family gatherings, as it brought us smiles and happiness. It brought us togetherness. It brought us love and affection. It also brought us food that we enjoyed thoroughly. I amin to that.

Jog for life, jog for health, jog for fun

I started jogging again today with my dear and loving wife, who thinks she's getting fatter than me by the day. and wife I am jogging again after one month of absence stomping the paved road of the Section 7 lakeside. Frankly, I paused the regular activity of jogging because of the fear I might break the fast midway to breaking time at circa 7.30pm.

I jog because I need to feel healthy again. Not that I wasn't healthy in Ramadhan, I need to watch that sugar level or blood pressure. I was a carnivore during Ramadhan and Syawal rather than a herbivore and that was the reason I'd better do something about getting back into shape.

Getting into shape? What am I talking about...I have never ever got into shape. My body is as bloated as a dead fish that I usually see floating in the lake during my routine jogging. I just hate to realize that I could not see both my feet while looking down, as they are blocked by this rounded, bloated, shiny tummy of mine. That's obesity, I was told, when you can't see your own feet. Ooh my breast, they look like a women's breast with dark nipple encircling the big bulge of fatty muscle. I hate seeing those saggy little breasts when I look at the mirror early in the morning. I think everything is saggy between my face and my feet.

I jog again because I don't want to feel jaded again. I don't want to feel tired or exhausted while scaling a flight of stairs. I don't want to fall asleep during long meetings (I think everybody does that after 20 minutes). I don't want to lose the focus or power concentration when I am listening to people talking. And definitely, I really don't want to lose the excitement of lovemaking.

I need the energy. I need the focus. I need the concentration. I need the toxins to be blasted out of my system and I need my blood sugar and blood pressure to be kept at bay. Well, at 48, I must say all this to keep my confidence high so that all the bugs of illnesses will not easily nestled into my system.

I am now jogging for health and I am jogging again for fun. Join me at the Section 7, Shah Alam, to create this momentum a passion, a movement for healthy and fitness-looking community. Let's make jogging or brisk walking a healthy activity and a passion for the masses.