Friday, October 2, 2009

Jog for life, jog for health, jog for fun

I started jogging again today with my dear and loving wife, who thinks she's getting fatter than me by the day. and wife I am jogging again after one month of absence stomping the paved road of the Section 7 lakeside. Frankly, I paused the regular activity of jogging because of the fear I might break the fast midway to breaking time at circa 7.30pm.

I jog because I need to feel healthy again. Not that I wasn't healthy in Ramadhan, I need to watch that sugar level or blood pressure. I was a carnivore during Ramadhan and Syawal rather than a herbivore and that was the reason I'd better do something about getting back into shape.

Getting into shape? What am I talking about...I have never ever got into shape. My body is as bloated as a dead fish that I usually see floating in the lake during my routine jogging. I just hate to realize that I could not see both my feet while looking down, as they are blocked by this rounded, bloated, shiny tummy of mine. That's obesity, I was told, when you can't see your own feet. Ooh my breast, they look like a women's breast with dark nipple encircling the big bulge of fatty muscle. I hate seeing those saggy little breasts when I look at the mirror early in the morning. I think everything is saggy between my face and my feet.

I jog again because I don't want to feel jaded again. I don't want to feel tired or exhausted while scaling a flight of stairs. I don't want to fall asleep during long meetings (I think everybody does that after 20 minutes). I don't want to lose the focus or power concentration when I am listening to people talking. And definitely, I really don't want to lose the excitement of lovemaking.

I need the energy. I need the focus. I need the concentration. I need the toxins to be blasted out of my system and I need my blood sugar and blood pressure to be kept at bay. Well, at 48, I must say all this to keep my confidence high so that all the bugs of illnesses will not easily nestled into my system.

I am now jogging for health and I am jogging again for fun. Join me at the Section 7, Shah Alam, to create this momentum a passion, a movement for healthy and fitness-looking community. Let's make jogging or brisk walking a healthy activity and a passion for the masses.

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